Ozzie caught my eye and I wanted him he was exactly what I we where looking for, especially after our little terrier Archie passed away.
I went to visit Ozzie at Carol's lodge and he came to me straight away, you told me how far he'd come and his downfalls. We had lots of hugs that day. Following this we had a homecheck and our home was perfect for him, then he met my partner who he also went to straight away and we took him home that day.
Ozzie has a routine - a walk in the morning, breakfast, then sleep. I go to work for 5 days and we leave the tv on for him and treats and he's ok to be left. He has turned into a loving content happy, funny dog. He loves running but he's kept on a lead and he loves people, still a bit wary of other dogs but getting better.
My daughter's having a baby so that will be an amazing time and he's having his hair cut next week which will be interesting, so a couple of obsactbles but all is good, thank you Carol and Clara for all the work you have done here's to a happy life for Ozzie.